Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Libidinal Economic dalam Media Televisi; Analisis Postmodernisme Dekonstruktif Televisi Indonesia

Oleh: Kamaruddin

Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Libidinal Economic dalam Media Televisi; Analisis Postmodernisme Dekonstruktif Televisi Indonesia 
Oleh: Kamaruddin*) 

Abstract Television in not only an electronic box which radiate blue cathode light, but also pandora box which stream violence and aggressive behaviour. Besides that, mystical and pornography programs are best seller by incoming big advertisement cake. By those program, it seems like local and global culture formed at the same time. Both dialectic are inseparable. But in this study the writer wants to express that all programs on television media dominantly influenced by capitalistic pattern by chasing big advantages without caring media effects. 

Key words; Media effect, local culture, television, postmodernism, media comercial 

Dinamika Politik Lokal; Antara Pertarungan State, Capital dan Civil Society

 Oleh: Ade Chandra

Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Dinamika Politik Lokal; Antara Pertarungan State, Capital dan Civil Society 
Oleh: Ade Chandra*) 


Although politicsl reformation in this country has happened since ten years ago, there is no signal about when and how democracy and decentralization transition can be ended by finding government management system, and politics system which can increase the quality of life and societies prosperity. What we can see today is this country is nothing compared to world socities civilization. The citizen is poorer and hopeless, fear to face future. Government (state), central and local is busy with their “greed”. Meanwhile, the farmers are never respected and their fate is always pawned because there is no government attention. 
Key words; Reformation, state, capital, civil society, desentralization 

Potensi Konflik Pemilukada Sumsel dan Masa Depan Demokrasi Lokal

Oleh: Dwi Wahyu Handayani
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Potensi Konflik Pemilukada Sumsel dan Masa Depan Demokrasi Lokal 
Oleh: Dwi Wahyu Handayani *) 


Government Regulation (PP), No. 6/2005 about Election, Appointment Legalization and Dismissal of District Head and Vice District Head. Government regulation substitution of UU No. 3/2005 about alteraration of UU No. 32/2004 about the local government. In this regulation, district head and vice district head election carried out by Commision of District General Election (KPUD), that is Commision of General Election Province and Regency/City, which is given special authority. Since that time, district head general election was applied in regency/city and province level. In fact, district head general election (pemilukada) brings up local conflict, which can threaten democracy process, system and its substancy.

Key words; Conflict, local democracy, paternalistic, fanatisicm, primordialism, autonomy

Transparansi Rekrutmen dan Seleksi CPNSD;Upaya Mewujudkan Good Governance Birokrasi Daerah

Oleh: Achmad Akmaluddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Transparansi Rekrutmen dan Seleksi CPNSD;Upaya Mewujudkan Good Governance Birokrasi Daerah Oleh: Achmad Akmaluddin*) 


Transparency of recruitment and selection CPNSD in some districts bring up some problems. The problems preceded from unfocus employee affair policies. As the result of no vision on employee affair management has obviously misled the pattern in recruitmen and selection. On the other side, good governance mandate demands societies involvement, response, moreover transparency becomes important to be used and developed. Job analysis that is done by local government (pemda) is not based on ratio between work assignment and numbers of employee with real character and condition of society needs; but based on the organization needs. Besides, employee affair policy is not implementative breath, but just a normative-symbolic level. 

Key words; Recruitment, policy, transparency, bureaucracy, response, policy 

Peranan Opinion Leader Dalam Meningkatkan Peran Politik Masyarakat Perdesaan dalam Pembangunan

Oleh: Nina Yudha Aryanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Peranan Opinion Leader Dalam Meningkatkan Peran Politik Masyarakat Perdesaan dalam Pembangunan 
Oleh: Nina Yudha Aryanti*) 


Generally, the low of societies participation in Indonesian is caused by almost no political education for societies, especially villagers which is 80% of Indonesian societies. But, if they are socialized and given political education, so it will be a possibility of maturity on societies democracy. This is not what happened in Indonesia. Less of political education for societies has caused democracy crisis so political policies which are related to the people’s life replaced by the political importance of certain groups. This things cause the low of political mobilization in lower circles of society 

Key words; Political education, democracy, mobilization dan political communication.

Strategi Komunikasi Politik Calon Gubernur Menjelang Pemilukada Sumatera Selatan 2008

 Oleh : Hendra Agus Setyawan

Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Strategi Komunikasi Politik Calon Gubernur Menjelang Pemilukada Sumatera Selatan 2008 
Oleh : Hendra Agus Setyawan*) 


The election of district head (governor) directly is an implementation of UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 about local government as a form of bureaucracy reformation agenda and democracy consolidation in Indonesia after centrally and militarily government in new order era. The implementation of district head general election (pemilukada) directly, used to be called pilkada which is done by representative system, where district head (governor, regent, and mayor) candidate is elected by house representative (DPRD). But this system is not counted as representation of societies aspiration, because member of the house is more active as political party representation. 

Key words; Pemilukada, strategy, democracy 

Menggagas Media Lokal di Era Neo Liberal

Oleh: Abdul Firman Ashaf
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Menggagas Media Lokal di Era Neo Liberal 
Oleh: Abdul Firman Ashaf *) 


This article has a purpose to describe dinamic condition of political media in the middle of political economic world, also Indonesia that tends to neo liberal. Next, this article propose some opinions and actions for local media in order to respond tendency of neo liberal political economic, for societies importance.
 Key words; Local media, political media, neo liberal 

Reformasi Birokrasi : Telaah Terhadap Sektor Pelayanan Publik Pasca Pemekaran Daerah

 Oleh : Marratu Fahri
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Reformasi Birokrasi : Telaah Terhadap Sektor Pelayanan Publik Pasca Pemekaran Daerah 
Oleh : Marratu Fahri*) 


Since Suharto’s power fell and reformation began, politics life in our country has changed. Authoritarian new order political structure is changed to democratic political structure. Those things, for example is marked by the change in district bureaucracy which was very central before. District autonomy which is only appearance and symbolic without meaning that referred to UU No. 5/1974 is changed to UU No. 22/1999 and UU No. 32/2004 which gives real district autonomy. District counterpart referred to UU No 32/1956 is changed to UU No 25/1999 and also government regulation no. 78/2007 about establishment, elimination and fusion order of new district and government regulation No. 6/2008 about evaluation of local government implementation, which are the results of reformation developing public service. Instead of making public service, the process of making new district hasn’t changed the bureaucracy service significantly. 

Key words; Reformation, bureaucracy, public service 

Telaah Kritis Penguatan Kapasitas Peran Parpol Sebagai Pilar Utama Demokrasi

Oleh: Hendra Alfani 

Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Telaah Kritis Penguatan Kapasitas Peran Parpol Sebagai Pilar Utama Demokrasi 
Oleh: Hendra Alfani *) 


This theoretical-critical analysis try to picture the strenghtening dinamics and political change climate in consolidation context of local democracy in transition period and also the birth of new potential political strenght in Indonesian society for the last three years. Next in that context, this idea submit some significant action agendas which are proper to call attention of political party in strengthening the capacity as main democration, both in district head general election (pemilihan umum kepala daerah/pemilukada), and toward 2009 general election (pemilihan umum /pemilu).

 Key words; Local democracy, pemilukada, political party, political pluralism 

Pembinaan SDM Agribisnis Di Era Otonomi Daerah

Oleh: Munajat
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Pembinaan SDM Agribisnis Di Era Otonomi Daerah 
Oleh: Munajat*)


The qualitiy of human resources in agribusiness sector is very important in activating district economy in autonomy era today. This is reasonable because most of Indonesian society is in agriculture sector, and part of this society is poor and susceptible poor. Then, in district autonomy today, this is opportunity for local government which is given more authority to manage their region in order to increase professional capabilities of human resources in agribusiness sector in order to use natural resources optimally. 

Key words; Agribusiness, autonomy, strategy, distribution 

Peranan Pers dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Politik Masyarakat

Oleh : Yunizir Dja’far
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X

Peranan Pers dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Politik Masyarakat 
Oleh : Yunizir Dja’far*)


Press as perception and public opinion form is a certainty in modern communication science. Its presence is not only as an enlightment to citizen but also measurement of democratic or undemocratic a political system. More democratic a political system so will be less intervention from goverment in press. Numbers of press presence in reformation era appeared in national or local scale, the news release is opener and more transparent or in other words it is not use language euphimism in news release, press is free from “telephone culture” and muzzling as a government’s intervention is a development in our press world. This fact has given a contribution in increasing the awareness of societis politic. 
Key words; Press, political awareness, public opinion 

Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan Sistem Desentralisasi

Oleh: Roni Ferdi
Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X

Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan Sistem Desentralisasi
Oleh: Roni Ferdi


Constitution of World Health of Organization (WHO,1948), law of health No 23/1992 about health decides that health is fundamental right for every citizen. Constitution of 1945 article 28 H emphasize and declare that every inhabitan has right on health service, and it is emphasized in article 34 clause 3 that state takes responsibility in providing health facilities and health services. Every individual, family dan society has right to get health protection, and state takes responsibility to organize so the society include the poor get the right of healthy life. The implication is every inhabitant gets health service compatible to medical needs and pay according to their income and providing health service like hospital is the duty and authority of disctrict government.
Key words: State, decentralization, policy, health, service

Tinjauan Yuridis Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Kejahatan Dunia Maya (Cyber Crime)

 Oleh: Santi Indriani
Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899XX

Tinjauan Yuridis Penegakan Hukum
Terhadap Kejahatan Dunia Maya (Cyber Crime)
Oleh: Santi Indriani 


The development of information technology, which moves rapidly through computer media, create innovation named internet. The existence of this internet changes new paradigm for the patterns of human’s life from the real characters changing into transparent reality (virtual). In one side, the existences of internet are very useful for human being but the on other side it brings the big negative effects. Within the existence of internet, in the beginning it has conventional character such as; posing a threat, robbing and deception at this time it can be done by using internet media online. Therefore the technology changing which move rapidly with crime of many kinds of motivation, it needs the law soon. This law must be suitable to guarantee of law assurance. In spite of the needed of suitable law as soon as possible, it also needs preventive method to prevent this cyber crime.
Key words: Information, technology, law maintenance, cyber crime,

Televisi dalam Perpolitikan Nasional

Oleh: Habib Muhsin

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X

Televisi dalam Perpolitikan Nasional
Oleh: Habib Muhsin


The principle that the “media is the message” can be understood that media can give meaningful messages to public. Human life depends on mass media. Television, one of mass media, has had a very important role in giving information to public. Besides that, television is able to build people’s political awareness. In this democracy era, between mass media and politics is just like two inseparable sides of the same coin. Each political party or candidate always tries to promote programs and vision-missions to people so that people will give support or sympaty to the party or him. Kinds of steps taken by political elites such as through candidate debates, advertisements, talk shows, exposures of survey results in televisions are able to endorse the popularity of their political party as well as their popularity.
Key word: Television, information, kesadaran politik

Praktek Ideologi Partai Politik di Propinsi Lampung

Oleh: Darmawan Purba
Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X

Praktek Ideologi Partai Politik di Propinsi Lampung
Oleh: Darmawan Purba


Ten years ago, 21 May 1998 is a historical momentum of the beginning of reformation order. One of the phenomenon at that time is the emergence of political parties, where the emergence includes political party number and various principle and political ideology. Since 1975 (based on Law No 3/1975 and changed with Law No 3/1985 about political party and Golongan Karya) until 31 January 1999, political party amount in Indonesia is restricted only two with definite name, which are Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) and Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (PDI) plus Golongan Karya. But since Law No 2/1999 implemented on 1 February 1999 about political party, there were 48 political parties became participant on 7 June 1999 General Election. The next phase on 5 April 2004 legistative election participated by 24 political parties, whereas 2009 General Election will be participated by 38 political parties.
Key words: Political party, ideology,general election

Peranan Penyelenggara Pemilu dalam Pendidikan Pemilih untuk Mewujudkan Pemilu yang Berkualitas

Oleh: Marratu Fahri

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X

Oleh: Marratu Fahri


General Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum/KPU) as general election organizer has duty and authority in practising voters education. Law No 22/2007 about General Election Implementation, mandate KPU to socialize general election implementation or distribute information about general election implementation to society. The goal of voters education is voters can consider the quality of the candidate who will be chosen. In this voters education, voters-to-be not only informed about how to vote, but also rise the awareness and critical ability on the phase of general election process. Society will not be object anymore in general election, on the contrary, they can be critical subject in determining political choice.
Key words : Election, voters, democracy, voters education

Kesehatan; Antara Komoditas Politik dan Tujuan Negara

Oleh: Hendra Agus Setyawan

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X
Kesehatan; Antara Komoditas Politik dan Tujuan Negara
Oleh: Hendra Agus Setyawan


The implementation of 1945 Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) amandment in 2002 emphasizes the importance of health as humans right which the final goal for every country is make the citizen happy (bonum publicum, common good, commonwealth). This is compatible with 1945 constitution and Law of Health No 23/1992 that determine everyone has right to get health protection. Because of that, individual, family and society has right to get health protection and state is responsible to manage so the citizen include the poor get the right to live healthy life.
Key words: Health, country, policy, service

Inkonsistensi Partai Politik dalam Penerapan UU No. 10 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pemilihan Umum

Oleh: Achmad Akmaluddin

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X
Inkonsistensi Partai Politik dalam
Penerapan UU No. 10 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pemilihan Umum
Oleh: Achmad Akmaluddin1


Preceded by a concept named democracy that means form or governmental system of a country in order to implement people sovereignty (citizen authority) on state to be implemented by its state government. One of democracy pillar is trias politica principle (budihardjo, 2003:151-156), it divides state politics authority (executive, yudicative, and legislative) and formed into three equal and independent state institutions. Equality and independent of these three institutions is needed in order to control each other. Trias politica implementation preceded by institutionalizing politics through general election.
Key words; Political party, general election, democracy

Konflik Sosial dan Komunikasi

Oleh: Umi Rahmawati  

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899XX
Konflik Sosial dan Komunikasi
Oleh: Umi Rahmawati 1


We can see Conflict as a way to get goal or intense, sosial conflict causes destroy and death, there is always a possibility of a social conflict in a community. The sociologist had analyzed about all of social conflict perspective. Once solution to minimize a sosial conflict rudely by transparent communication.
Key word : Social conflict, perspective, communication

Demokrasi dan Strategi Melawan Kemiskinan

 Oleh: Hendra Alfani

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X

Demokrasi dan Strategi Melawan Kemiskinan
Oleh: Hendra Alfani


If it is seen in the narrow point of view, maybe it was rather difficult to show significant relationship between democracy and poverty. It needs deep research to describe that relationship. But, in larger context (general), the importance friction between democracy and poverty – in much case – looks real. Moreover, if the friction point is influenced by politic and economic factors as major case. Strangely, to describe that friction, analyze unit which is appeared often find paradoxical.
Key words; Democracy, politic, poverty, strategy

Otonomi Daerah dan Paradigma Baru Penyusunan APBD

 Oleh: Gribaldi
Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X

Otonomi Daerah dan Paradigma Baru Penyusunan APBD
Oleh: Gribaldi 1

Abstract Multidimensional crisis happens in Indonesia has awaken us to realize how important to reconcept decentralization and dictrict autonomy in real meaning. The idea of reorder dictrict otonomy based on thinking to assure efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, accountability and democratization citizenry value in district governmental implementation. During new order governmental, big hope from district government to build region based on the ability and region wish can not be reached. What happens is fiscal dependence and subsidy as well as central government aid as reflection of Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) incapability in funding Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD). Key words: Autonomy, accountability, government, budget

Strategi Jurnalistik Harian OKU Ekspres dalam Menanamkan Kepercayaan Kepada Pembaca Terhadap Kualitas Berita

 Oleh: Yunizir Djakfar

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 ISSN: 1979 – 0899X
Strategi Jurnalistik Harian OKU Ekspres dalam
Menanamkan Kepercayaan Kepada Pembaca Terhadap Kualitas Berita
c 1

Since reformation, press development (especially printed media) in Indonesia move forward. Newspaper, tabloid and magazine spread out like mushroom in rain. The presence of printed media based on journalistic activity still get special place in modern society dynamics that moves dynamic in accordance with the changes of social, politics, economy, technology and information progress. Journalistic is the pulse of printed mass media as one of mass communication media which can reach wide audience. Besides that, journalistic effectiveness is identical with strategy in building trust from printed media institution to newspaper audience.
Key word; Journalistic, strategy, newspaper, mass media, audience