Oleh: Kamaruddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2008 ISSN 1979 – 0899X
Libidinal Economic dalam Media Televisi; Analisis Postmodernisme Dekonstruktif Televisi Indonesia
Oleh: Kamaruddin*)
Abstract Television in not only an electronic box which radiate blue cathode light, but also pandora box which stream violence and aggressive behaviour. Besides that, mystical and pornography programs are best seller by incoming big advertisement cake. By those program, it seems like local and global culture formed at the same time. Both dialectic are inseparable. But in this study the writer wants to express that all programs on television media dominantly influenced by capitalistic pattern by chasing big advantages without caring media effects.
Key words; Media effect, local culture, television, postmodernism, media comercial